About Us
Tautvydas Butkus originally studied in information technology in his home town in Lithuania where he met his wife who was studying to become a dentist. It was then that Tautvydas became aware of the different areas in dentistry and took great interest in dental technology as he realised he could combine his artistic hands along with his knowledge of computers in this profession. Tautvydas moved to the UK to pursue his career in dental technology in 2006 studying the foundation degree at Manchester metropolitan university. Tautvydas qualified in 2010 graduating with distinction and setting up his own business in the same year. Tautvydas has a wealth of knowledge in many areas of dental technology with his main passion in ceramics and implantology, as well as having great knowledge of all the different implant systems Tautvydas is also a Straumann Platinum approved technician and is tested every year in order to keep this status along with being a member of the DLA, DTA, BACD and ADI.
Over the 11 years in the dental technology profession Tautvydas has built up a reputation and established himself as one of the leading technicians in the North West due to his passion and commitment of hard work and intense training.
Care and attention of detail is one of the most important factors in dental technology and this is where it all begins with the production of our high precision models. Our plaster room team have a clear understanding that the precise making of models is one of the most important tasks to ensure an accurate production of our restorations is possible.
Here at smile design we use the Amann Girrbach giro form model system in order to guarantee precise, fast and cost effective manufacturing of models. Our plaster room team also have the responsibility of articulation using our fully and semi adjustable Artex and Denar articulators, the manufacturing of whitening trays and vacuum formed stents, guides and retainers.